Monday, August 26, 2013

Where It All Began

Natalie Gilbert

Intern Training. 2013.

August 14, 2013

Dear Diary,

Today was the beginning of something great. 10am-5pm Be there or be square? Tour of the New Stadium? I think YES. Thanks for the Jimmy John's and soda pop, guys! What a welcome to Husky Athletics, I think I'm hooked already...

Training? No, this was a test. We were given "Project: Campus Domination" (ask Erin about that if you're really interested in knowing what cruel and unusual punishment is...also see: torture). Let's throw the brand new Husky Street Team together in a closet of a room with no windows and see what they can come up with in three hours.

Not going to lie, this was probably one of the most stressful atmospheres I have worked in. A group of five very capable people thrown into a room with different strength and personalities (that we didn't know how to work with yet because we just met an hour ago!).

However, not only was this great practice for future situations, but it also allowed us to get to know each other FAST because we were going to be spending A LOT of time together. During our presentation, HST was able to come up with some pretty great ideas and plans for the 2013-2014 year. However, there were also some not so great ideas that I won't go further into detail with, ha!

Following the training, we came together once again Aug. 24 for the Mock Game to see how it all worked and what roles we would have helping out during the Opening Game.

Needless to say, this was all very exciting for the Husky Street Team. Being down on the field, and getting to see how it all worked. A very exciting start to a great year!


Erin's torture/best project EVER:

Monday, August 19, 2013

First Year Programs & Husky Kickoff

Erin Allett

The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship:
First Year Programs, Meet Athletics. Athletics, Meet First Year Programs.

After a great training session with the brand-spanking new Husky Street Team last week, the team is hitting the ground running in figuring out this whole "strategic grassroots campus marketing" thing.

I reached out to LeAnne Wiles-Jones from UW First Year Programs about the HST promoting our fall sport programs at the upcoming Dawg Daze (actually Robert Carroll's area of focus, but LeAnne hooked us up with his contact info) and the annual Husky Kickoff at Dempsey Indoor. Husky Kickoff is a tradition at UW where the entire incoming freshman class is invited to attend and get their photo taken on the field of Husky Stadium in the shape of our icon "W."

First Year Programs Mission: 

We empower entering students to become engaged and confident learners by facilitating supportive communities and creating educational experiences.

There are events happening all over campus - and even in our own Athletics backyard! - that we have never had a presence at before. That's back to change thanks to our HST.

LeAnne and I exchanged a few excited, albeit brief emails giving both of our responsibilities this time of the year, emails about developing a strong relationship between First Year Programs and Athletics. Our plan is to reconnect during October or November and dive into brainstorming and an approach to the remainder of 2013-14 to craft ideas, discuss ways to piggyback on and enhance preexisting programming, execute those that we can, and dream up plans for a partnership in 2014-15. FYP begins their planning after the New Year.

HST was a bit slow to the game on getting into these events to promote fall sports. We were able to distribute upwards of 500 "This Week In Husky Athletics" flyers which made sure that freshmen know that Olympic sports are free with their Husky card.

While we were slow to the game on this first crack at it, we are cognizant that we are a start-up. We're going to grow, learn, make some mistakes, and keep improving to work toward our goals. Our goals throughout the course of this first year will change as we grasp our task at hand. The HST will figure out how to execute grassroots marketing effectively and efficiently - and have a hell of a lot of fun in the process!

The Husky Street Team is Born...

Erin Allett

Though this phenomenon is not unique to our entertainment-rich and culturally-diverse major-market Seattle campus, programs across the nation are frustrated and scratching their heads.

Where are the students? As administrators and staff, we can only guess at what is going on inside current and prospective students' heads. But there's absolutely no guessing that their behaviors now as students will impact their ticket purchase decisions as alumni. At a university where nearly 75% of alumni stay in the state of Washington after graduation, the implications of student attendance and ticket purchase behavior of current and prospective students are of particular importance.

Not only do students impact the bottom line - now and in the future - but they also have an undeniable influence on our teams' competitive advantage while competing at home against one of the most athletic pools of student-athletes in the nation.

Per usual, Coach Romar says it best.

There's a core group of students that care. How to best reach and engage them?!
Even they know that they can improve.

"The Best Four Years of My Life..."

One of the biggest questions I grappled with during 2012-13 when it came to attendance and support of primarily our Olympic sports (or let's call it all of our sports except for Football) was:

What role does involvement with Husky Athletics play in a student's overall UW experience and how can we influence students' experience?

A different breed, a different consumer...

Having information and data from UW students - the Dawg Pack - about their perceptions and awareness of Husky Athletics will allow our department to make more strategic and well-informed decisions as they related to student incentives, ticket pricing, and positioning of our programs. Today's students, and those in high school, think and behave differently than even those that graduated in the class of 2011 (more on that later).

What are students into?
What entertainment options are competing with their time and money? 
What do they like about our events? 
What don't they like about our events?
Do they know about our events? 
Do they know that Husky Volleyball makes an NCAA tournament run each year? 
Do they care? What else is competing for their attention? How do we get and maintain their attention?

A New Approach...

Heading into the 2013-14 academic year, engaging the Dawg Pack (UW students) was a high priority. To address staffing and workload concerns of both our student interns and Marketing Assistants, I altered the structure of our Student Internship Program to include three areas of focus:
  1. Game Production = Game Day Interns
  2. Campus Grassroots Marketing = Husky Street Team Interns
  3. Dawg Pack Experience = Dawg Pack Advisory Committee

I founded the "Husky Street Team" - a team dedicated to promoting Husky Athletic events to UW students to increase awareness of, excitement about, and attendance at Husky Athletic events.  The 2013-14 Husky Street Team is a comprised of five of the most eager, passionate students. The team is organized by one lead Game Day Intern and are overseen by me, the Assistant Director of Game Day Experience.

The Dawg Pack Advisory Committee - anchored by the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) leadership and Board of Directors - was already in existence (established to promote communication between Athletics administration and the Dawg Pack during stadium construction). In 2013-14, select internship interviewees were chosen to serve on the Committee alongside ASUW members, marking the first time that this committee was part of our UW Marketing & Game Day Experience Internship Program.


Riddle Me This...

After hitting the classrooms last spring to recruit our bomb 2013-14 intern class at Foster School undergraduate Marketing courses, one question burned in my mind long after I left Pacaar Hall.

How can this target group of top-notch students help to lift the load and uncover answers of the questions above? 

I knew their answers could begin to provide the valuable insight and information for our department so critically needs more strategic and well-informed (read: efficient and effective) decisions related to Dawg Pack policies, procedures, and promotions?
Click image to visit Dawg Pack page

Following a MKT 301 course, I established a connection in Marty Matthews, a Marketing instructor extraordinaire and a favorite among Foster Marketing majors. Marty will be teaching a MKT 460 - Research Methods course this academic year. We plan to stay in touch and to connect after the New Year on a student-run research project to analyze the perceptions and awareness UW students have of Husky Athletic events.

Until then, the question continues to drive me crazy, drive me toward answers, and drive my passion each day to learn more about the unique needs, wants, interests, and experiences of UW students.

Erin Allett
Assistant Director of Game Day Experience
Husky Athletics

Sunday, August 18, 2013

How the HST Became an RSO

Morgan Farrar

Hey y'all!

Maybe you all are wondering how the Husky Street Team has the opportunity to hold promotions on campus and use sweet resources such as megaphones, tables outside of the HUB, and many more goodies to promote our events? Because we're legit.

In the fall we became an RSO also known as a Registered Student Organization. We attended a registration session and had to create a "club" name, category, and propose why we intended to become an RSO before we were approved. This was a huge first step for us as a team because it has led to us being able to use the ample supplies and opportunities that the RSO Resource Center has to offer in order to aid us in promoting and advertising while on campus.

As an RSO we have full access to The Craft Closet...OMG the Craft Closet! It contains things like:
  • Butcher paper
  • Limitless paint supply to create posters
  • Tables
  • Tents
  • Megaphones
  • Bulletin/white boards
  • Other pieces of equipment to help us visually advertise for Husky Athletics
Through becoming an RSO it has helped the Husky Street Team begin to build relationships and contacts with people on campus and those who will help us in our future endeavors and support Husky Athletics.We intend to continue taking full advantage of our opportunities as a Registered Student Organization to keep an eye out for us... 

We're about to bring it!