Monday, June 9, 2014

Cheerleaders + Husky Marching Band + Dawg Pack = Husky Football 2014
by Natalie Gilbert

Ok Husky football fans, I know what you’re thinking. You’re sleep deprived, you have been stuck in the library for the past week, and you are wondering if you will ever make it to summer alive.

To give you a little hope, and reassure you that everything is going to be ok, I want you to think about this: Husky Football.

Feel better? Me too. I am not going to lie, Husky Football was one of the major reasons I wanted to attend the University of Washington and I know I am not the only one who felt this way. The thought of how fun football games are, helps me to get through even the most stressful of times (aka finals).

Yes, I agree, cheering in the student sections is an accomplished goal of mine as well. But have you ever thought about being part of the game in a different way? I thought it would be fun to hear from the people that do Husky Football the best.

August Mendoza and Nikki Buchanan have a very unique perspective on Husky Football. While the rest you and your friends make your way down from campus, tailgate and find the best seats in the student sections. These women have the best seats in the house, and have been at the field hours before you arrive.

August Mendoza is a sophomore at UW, and a piccolo player in the Husky Marching Band, and she is one of the biggest Husky football fans I know. I got a chance to sit down with her, and ask her a few questions about Husky Football from her perspective.

Her favorite memory performing in Husky Stadium was during the Don James tribute show, she said.

“The entire stands went crazy, and I felt honored to be a part of such close-knit family; Husky Marching band, and the University of Washington, being able to honor such a great man,” Mendoza said.

Mendoza loves that she gets to help enhance the Husky experience, but wishes sometimes that she could be in the student sections, she said. If she was a fan, she would be the “one that yells the entire game, probably vulgarities at the refs because she can’t in uniform.”

And if there is one thing that she could tell the fans, she would tell them that the song where everyone spells out “H-U-S-K-I-E-S” is actually called “Everybody’s Everything,” and even though she wishes they could play it more often, they can’t because there is a very strict schedule the band has to follow.

Nikki Buchanan is a University of Washington cheerleader, and a good friend of Mendoza’s. Buchanan said the best thing was having a buddy to walk to practice with or to the games early when no one else was ready yet.

“Being down on the field is absolutely sensational,” she says.

She loves feeling like part of the team especially when they get to run out with the football team in the beginning, she said.

She is not a big fan of the weather, though, especially when it’s 40 degrees and pouring rain.

“I get envious of all the fans and their warm rain gear,” she said. “It’s hard to do flips with a Northface and rain boots.”

After a long game, Buchanan likes to come home and refuel with mac and cheese.

“It’s the food of champions,” she claims.

One thing both women agreed on was that they really appreciate the Dawg pack, and all they contribute to the overall atmosphere.

Good luck on finals, Huskies! We will see you at Husky stadium next fall. 

Buchanan (left) and Mendoza (right)

Thursday, May 22, 2014

DAWG PACK EmPoWeRmEnT Committee takin' the "Streets"

As the end of the year nears, and spring sports wrap up, the Street Team has no choice but to reflect on the past year. What worked? What didn’t? We laugh off the mishaps and begin to plan for the 2014-2015 school year.

Street Team, as many of you know was brand new. Never before did the Husky Athletic department have a team that represented the student body, a team that was meant solely to help raise attendance at Husky Athletic sporting events.  We scrambled to find traction throughout the year and a lot of our efforts were on a trial and error basis. Flyers, hot chocolate, cookies, free appearal...everything! Nevertheless we learned a lot, and now have a better taste of what Street Team can do to really make a difference next year.

Throughout this past year, through our various marketing techniques we were able to see that there was one motivating force that drove students to the games beyond the next big give-away. We found that students will go to events when other students do. Great! How do we identify these “influencers” and once we do, how can they help us raise the Dawg Pack attendance.

The conversation of a Dawg Pack influencer usually goes somewhat like this;

“Hey, want to go to the softball game with me?” “Sorry bro, I don’t have any money to spend” “Dude, it’s free with a student card, meet down at the field in ten”


“Hey girls the men’s baseball team is ranked 6th right now, lets get down there and go support the team”

These influencers are crucial to the student section’s participation because here at the University of Washington, its not like we students don’t love our Universities sporting events, it’s just easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things. Sometimes we need a friends’ encouragement to take a break from studying, or a buddy to walk down the athletic facilities when it’s dark and rainy out.

Street Team’s major plan this spring as we launch into the new year is to reach out to these influencers, and together, hopefully create and sustain high attendance at the athletic events.

Last Friday we reached out to a few loyal Dawg Pack members and we had a great response.

It’s called the Dawg Pack empowerment Committee; a selected group of influencers that help make important decisions that will hopefully raise morale and participation of the Dawg Pack. The Committee will get to help design t-shirts and other apparel, brainstorm promotions, share ideas and concerns, and the best part get to indulge in free food!

I spoke with Sarah Garson, a Dawg Pack influencer who volunteered to take part in next years push to raise attendance at games. “I think this is a good idea, there are so many people that can help by just asking their friends to come with them.”

As of right now the Street Team has about 30 influencers, but we are looking for more! If you are passionate about Husky Athletics, and feel like you could make a difference for the Dawg Pack please contact us! You passed the first test already, taking action!

The next Dawg Pack Empowerment Committee meeting will take place next Friday 5/30.

Sarah Merion, a fellow Street Team member, and next years Street Teams leader says she’s “excited for the brainstorm sessions, we want to hear what the Dawg Pack has to say!” 

Although this year is coming to a close, and events are winding down, I am excited for what is in store for next year, especially with the Dawg Pack Empowerment Committee. I think these proud huskies are the influencers we need to make next years seasons ones for the books! 


Friday, May 9, 2014

Dawg Pack; This Is Why The Windermere Cup Should Be Important To You.

By Natalie Gilbert

The excitement that brews for opening day and the Windermere cup stems way beyond our campus.

Not only is it a chance to watch our fellow classmates take to the Husky-infested water and compete against some of the world’s finest, but it also marks opening day for boating season, which brings even more Washingtonians together beyond the classmates you see every day.

When spring quarter rolled around my freshmen year of college and I mentioned when I was home one weekend that I would be attending some “rowing race” my dad rudely corrected me, explaining, “ I think you mean the Windermere Cup.” This launched into a 20-minute history lesson, and a stroll down memory lane for pops.

He remembered watching the race with his fraternity brothers when he went to UW 100 years ago. He said it was a huge event, one that nobody wanted to miss. He still made it a point to go every year although he misses the water balloon fight between the boats in the parade and the people lining the sides after the races were over. (DAWG pack, can we please re-instate this?)

Fast-forward to last week, the Friday before the Windermere Cup, my fellow Street Team members and I were taking the streets of campus, promoting the event and trying to accumulate followers for the Street Team’s social media sites. I asked a few students on campus if they knew what the Windermere Cup was, and although I will ignore the few blow-off’s (I remember who you are) I am proud to announce that my fellow student body knew a lot about the event.

Just to make it interesting, I occasionally asked what they thought a crew race was called (only because I didn’t know what it was called for a long time). Here were the best answers: competition, match, game, and face-off. A crew race is in fact called a regatta.

During the Windermere Cup, the Husky Street Team posted up behind the very full student section giving away Chipotle gift cards to our Twitter followers. I was unable to sit down and talk to any of the rowers on Saturday (they seemed a little busy), but I did get a chance to stand next to an alums and hear her thoughts on the Cup.

Standing about a foot taller than me, she explained that when she used to come down the cut she couldn’t hear anything because the crowd was so loud. She told me the cut acted like an amphitheater and that “it was exhilarating.” I could barely hear her, due to the same effect the students were creating as a race advanced to the finish line.

The exhilarating moments and memories that are created here at the Windermere Cup start with us. People come from all over Washington (and apparently Great Britain) come to watch athletes perform, and students should be a part of this experience as well. The University of Washington and the outstanding athletics events provide a perfect platform to create our own memories that will hopefully keep us coming back in the years to come too. This is what makes the UW the best school in the nation, and this is why you are proud to be a Husky.

The Windermere Cup creates and brings together a community. This is why the Street Team encourages you to take part in these events, because they can mean something to you, too. 

Check out the Seattle Times photo gallery from last Saturday:

Friday, April 18, 2014


Recruiting time! Husky Cheer and Dance partnered up with Husky Band at the Resource Fair in Mary Gates Hall today showing off their awesome booth, which was by far the best looking one.

There were plenty of in coming students walking through the hall clearly excited about coming to the UW next year, and also really excited to learn about the opportunities the Husky Band and Cheer had available, especially the up coming open Cheer and Dance tryouts on May 1st-4th!

HST loved lending a helping hand to the members of Husky Band and Cheer by handing out a few hundred flyers. It was fun day, although students gave Natalie and I confusing and disappointing looks after they found out that we were neither on the cheer square or part of the marching band; while we thought to ourselves HST is just as cool!! From there we directed them to the booth to talk to the members that could answer more of their questions about their experience, while we kept looking for more recruits over by the snack table... hehe. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Get pumped about Spring Quarter!!

By: Morgan Farrar

Spring Quarter is underway and the HST is more excited than ever about all that we have in store planned for this Spring!!! At our first meeting back we had an invigorating, inspiring, excitement triggering brainstorm session. We threw around some ideas we wanted to bring to campus for all of you to enjoy and to get ready for all the amazing sports we have this quarter! But that isn't all....we want your feedback!! We want to know what makes you students really excited about Athletics, what you desire, or wish we had more of here with Husky Marketing! Check out our ideas that we have planned and let us know if you have more fun events you would like to be a part of:) 

I mean we do all love sports here, so let's love Husky Athletics together:)

Much love,
Morgan Farrar

Monday, March 3, 2014

We Love Us Some Dawg Pack

Erin Allett

Throughout the year, we feature a "Dawg Pack Appreciation" Day at each of our ticketed sports including: Volleyball, Football, Men's and Women's Soccer, Gymnastics, Men's and Women's Basketball, Softball, and Baseball. This includes a free t-shirt and $5 concession coupon for the first 50 Dawg Pack members through the door at Olympic sports, and in-game PA and video shout-outs from coaches and student-athletes to the Dawg Pack.
Click the image to visit the Dawg Pack page

In addition to the love we give the Dawg Pack on their special days, we hook them up with a free t-shirt for both Football and Men's Basketball if they purchase season tickets.

We select one lucky Dawg Pack "Fan of the Game" sponsored by Starbucks at every home Men's Basketball game. A random student is selected on-camera and competes in a shooting contest to win a Starbucks prize pack and gift cards. 

Oh yeah, and one iPad is raffled off to a Dawg Pack member at each home Gymnastics meet. Can you feel the love?

Did You Know...?
  • All students receive FREE admission to Husky Athletic events, with the exception of Football and Men's Basketball games with their Husky card
  • All students who purchased Football and Men's Basketball season tickets receive an email blast before every home Husky Football, Volleyball, Men's and Women's Soccer, Gymnastics, Men's and Women's Basketball, Softball, and Baseball event with promotional and game information.
  • There is a page dedicated solely to the Dawg Pack that is updated frequently with student-specific promotions, information, and messages from coaches and student-athletes

Dawg Pack Advisory Committee 
The Dawg Pack Advisory Committee - anchored by the Associated Students of the University of Washington (ASUW) leadership and Board of Directors - was established to promote communication between Athletics administration and the Dawg Pack during stadium construction. it has since morphed into a committee that is charged with improving the Dawg Pack Game Day Experience and to work in a partnership with Athletics to reach the UW student body. In 2013-14, select UW Marketing & Game Day Experience internship interviewees were chosen to serve on the Committee alongside ASUW members, marking the first time that this group included UW student leaders and current marketing interns. The Committee meets once a quarter to discuss upcoming events and improvements to the Dawg Pack game day experience.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Grassroots Mastas. Promo Champions.

Erin Allett

Charged with a mission of devising and executing strategic grassroots marketing on campus (life on a budget), the Husky Street Team has risen to the occasion and has started to make a dent in spreading the good word of Husky Athletics on campus in the Greek community, Residence Halls, campus foot traffic, and in the HUB.

This Winter Quarter alone, HST has been hustlin' with flyer distribution:
  • 4,800 promo flyers to Seattle Public School Elementary Schools (hand delivered)
  • Average of 725 flyers/week
  • Approximately 6,000 promo flyers distributed on-campus to 
    • Greek chapter dinners
    • Residence Halls
    • WEEKLY golf carting during passing periods 
  • All Winter Sport posters plastered up and down the Ave and in campus buildings
  • 10,000+ flyers distributed during Winter Quarter to-date!
  • Approximately 8,000 flyers were handed out during Fall Quarter
  • HST has spread nearly 20,000 flyers out into the UW Student and Seattle world in 6 months as a RSO!
Natalie hustlin'
HST golf carting it up with Harry

Friday, February 28, 2014

Hanging with Harry

Sam Millang
Normally, the HST is more than capable of distributing flyers and getting the word out on campus. Sometimes, when there is a big event, we bring in some reinforcements to help out on campus. This last week we had the pleasure of hanging out with Harry the Husky and this is the outcome: 

Hoops Fo' a Slice: Friday Fun Days with HST

Sarah Merrion

Hey Huskies!

With the Men's Basketball season coming to a close and only a few home games left, HST wanted to do something special for the students on campus. To get everyone pumped up for big game that night - UW vs. WSU (booo cougs), we used our Registered Student Organization (RSO) resources from the HUB to set up a table and tent right outside of the HUB's main entrance. 

With blue skies, a cool ride, and some speak of free snacks were were able to get the word out and rally up some students in Red Square to head over to the HUB at high noon. Waiting there form them we had 10 pizzas, a platter of veggies (for the healthy Huskies), and tons of flyers and posters. 

Nom nom nom

We started the day with 800 flyers, and were able to get about 550 handed out to students while golf carting in red square and handing them out with every slice of pizza in front of the HUB. We couldn't have done it without a little help from the Husky Cheer Squad! Thanks guys! PS Students - UW Cheer has tryouts coming up in April!

Don't get it twisted, the students had to work for their lunch! To win a slice or a snack students had to make a basket in the mini hoop! It was great way to have some Friday Fun while interacting with the students and reminding them about the awesome "Vegas Baby: Win a Trip to the Pac-12 Tournament" promotion that was going on at the game that night.

Vegas Baby flyers

Fridays are a bit slow on campus (especially when everyone is playing hooky to hang out in the sun). Maybe next time there is a Sunny Friday, HST can try tabling up by the "W" near the main entrance of campus to get the flyers to everyone walking to class and to those who skipped out on class, too!

Along with the free food, we also wanted make sure that students who haven't had a chance to get their 2014 Baseball and Softball posters could grab one to take home!

Until Next Time,

Get Coached Up!: IMA Challenge @ HOOPS TONIGHT

Brayden Underwood

"Get Coached Up"
IMA Team Challenge 

Email sent to all 2014 IMA Basketball participants. Thanks, IMA!

On an IMA team? Wanna win a chance to practice like the players? HST is extending the "Get Coached Up" sign-up deadline! Come down to tonight's rivalry game vs. the team from the armpit of Washington for a chance to be entered in the drawing.

Our very own Sam Millang...

This guy.

...will be down at the Dawg Pack entrance of Alaska Airlines Arena with a sign-up sheet. Each member of your team can sign-up once. For all you statisticians out there, the more members of your team you get to sign up, the higher your chances of winning become. As an added bonus it's never a bad thing to watch our Dawgs go whoop up on some poody cats!

See ya down there!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mark Your Calendars! Windermere Cup on Sat, May 3

Erin Allett

Go Dawgs!
After a crazy successful event in 2013 - beautiful weather and 200+ Dawg Pack members jammed at the finish line of the country's most prestigious crew regatta, the 2014 Windermere Cup is set to be even bigger and badder than last year.

In 2013, Dawg Pack members had a special VIP tent and lawn space right at the finish line straight across The Cut from the Husky Band, which made for some awesome "Go Huskies" cheers (check out the video above). We offered free food, drinks, and Husky giveaways which brought students in in droves...that and the first sunshine since September.
  • Partnership with Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life to distribute GREEK WEEK points to each chapter that had a member represented at Windermere Cup
  • Gave away a Sark autographed football to the most spirited Husky student
  • Everyone's favorite: T-shirt toss

Chillin' between races enjoying the sun and some snacks.

Stay tuned for more details on Dawg Pack does Windermere 2014 coming sometime in April!

FYP-Athletics: Orientation Leader Training

Erin Allett

Ink Aleaga from Student Athlete Academic Services and I sat down with Natalie from First Year Programs yesterday to follow-up from the FYP-Athletics meeting in January to further discuss how to include Athletics in Summer Orientation Leader training during the Winter Quarter.

As anyone who has attended college knows, when you arrive on the scene in summer before your freshman orientation you have no clue what is cool, what the norms are, where people go, what they do. If you were anything like me, you were doe-eyed and a little intimidated and a sponge for trying to figure out what the heck was going on.  This is where you orientation leader came into play. For all you knew, they were the coolest dude (ahem, lady) on campus and you wanted to be just as sweet as they were.

What if Athletics had an influence on Orientation Leader Training? This would allow Orientation Leaders to become Athletics ambassadors and pass along tips to new students on what student-athletes are all about and that attending Husky Athletic events is not only free (except Football and Men's Hoops) and awesomely fun to watch our teams dominate, but it's a big part of a student's UW experience. This will allow the Husky brand and perception of Athletics to sink into students' minds the first time they set foot on campus as incoming students.

We had a great meeting. The Athletics portion of the 30ish member Orientation Leader training will go down on May 14 and will include two parts.
  1. Ink will be creating a panel discussion of student-athletes and key staff to debunk some of the myths surrounding student-athletes. The panel will also help to connect student-athletes to Orientation Leaders, who may now feel that they have a connection to our sport programs.
  2. I will present and represent on behalf of the Marketing, Creative, and Communications departments sharing all of the good bits of information and steps to do with students first thing when they arrive. Such as following all of our handles and pages on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Chya.

More to come on May 14 but lovin' our new friends at FYP's willingness to collaborate!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hard at Work!

Sam Millang

Another hard day at work for the Husky Street Team. We went all over campus distributing flyers and then spent the rest of the day giving away FREE posters to people in the Greek Community. We have a bunch of extra sweet Retake Montlake posters and are dying to get rid of them!

I feel like the pile in our storage is never ending. We filled the entire trunk of Morgan's car (see Morgan's car), but there is no way you would know looking at the pile in the cage. Soooooo if you want some free swag for your room, make sure to stop by when you see us on campus to get your free poster! And then grab some for your friends.

Morgan's car.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Get Hype: New Husky Street Team Member!

Kyle McKnight

Hey y'all, the newest member of the Husky Street Team coming at you live to answer the age old question of "Who really let the Dawgs out"?

The Baha Men brought the topic back up and into popular discourse with their one hit wonder, but never actually hinted at anything that would shed some light onto the one responsible for "letting the Dawgs out."

Well... my foundation was shook when I joined this hard-working, driven and devoted team because the answer was right in front of my awe-filled eyes. It's the Husky Street Team

It's our job to make sure you know about all of our awesome events and get hype to bring the home field advantage for the Huskies.  And we aren't going to stop doing what we're doing until each and every one of you DAWGS is let out!

So next time you see us on campus, remember you are a husky and letting yourself go a little crazy to support your fellow student-athletes in all of their endeavors is what we should all be doing at UW!

Yours truly,
Kyle "McDawg" McKnight

She Loves Me..She Loves Me Not...

Natalie Gilbert

It's that time of year, the day that everyone besides corny couples and Hallmark despises. Yes...tomorrow is Valentine's Day, ladies and gentleman.

Now I know what your thinking, WHAT in the world do I get for my significant other? Husky Street Team has a solution for you! This gift requires little to no maintenance and is so versatile that you can gift it you hubby of two years or an awkward "we started dating Feb 1st s**t what do I for Valentine's Day" relationship...

HST member Sarah showing off the goods

Sarah! Just kidding, she is already has a Valentine. But these really awesome Retake Montlake posters are up for grabs. The best part of the Valentine's poster present is that it is free and we have so many we don't even know what to do with them. So please, take one...take 'em all...and make your Valentine feel extra blessed that he or she has you in their life.

You're welcome,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Holy Gymnastics & Kiddos, Batman

Kyle McKnight

If YOU weren't packed inside Alaska Airlines Arena this Saturday cheering on the Husky Gymnastics team and their high-flying acrobats, then you seriously missed nothing shy of AMAZING!

Rewind to the beginning of the week

HST was given a mission to aim their ridiculously good-looking marketing efforts at the 68 primary schools in the greater Seattle area. 68 schools translates to a lot of crazy, probably acrobatic, and enthusiastic children who haven't yet witnessed the spectacle of collegiate gymnastics. 

I don't know what's with all of my movie ties in this post...go with it...

So our Mission: Impossible (we chose to accept) was to distribute flyers to each and every one of the Seattle Public Schools kiddos to:
  1. Reach a new audience
  2. Inspire the youth of Seattle to explore the realm of gymnastics
  3. Create a couple more loyal husky pups...Tom Cruise doesn't have crap on HST 

Check those out!

With Ol' Reliable (my trusty '93 accord, isn't she great?!), the rest of the HST and I we were able to distribute thousands of flyers and successfully reach a whole new population. It was a major victory as well as showing the possibility of extending our already broad reach of HUSKY NATION

This guy will never die...neither will our Husky Pride!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Why The Heck Not?!

Morgan Farrar

Morgan here with the Husky Street Team and this week we were on the move! You may have caught sight of us running up and down the Ave tagging every business possible with our winter and spring sports posters. Husky Street Team is Taking Over....but no one ever said that was a bad thing did they?!

HST 2014: Sam, Sarah, Natalie, Kyle, Morgan & Harry

You might have also seen us taking campus in stride, the golf cart and all. We brought our main man Harry the Husky along with us to pump up the energy and positive vibes from all of you students on campus. I'm pretty sure that we got everyone hyped about the Husky Basketball games and Husky Gymnastics meet this weekend!

Harry hanging on for dear life.  Brayden's driving skills...ahhhhhhhh!

We had quite a few of what we call, "Why The Heck Not?!" moments. You know those times where you are slightly embarrassed and don't want to be judged but at the same time you're having a great time and want to share your excitement with everyone around you? Yeah, us too. We embraced our WTHN moments this week and had a great time interacting and hanging out with all of you!

Harry and HST members Morgan, Natalie, & Sarah posing after a hard day's work.

HST holding it down in Red Square. Oh, Harry.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Check Us Out

Morgan Farrar
Hey guys! Make sure you stop by the Husky Spirit Station  at the next home Athletic event you attend to catch up with the Husky Street Team! Whether that be the next Men's Basketball home game on Wednesday, Feb. 12 vs. Stanford or the Women's Basketball game on Friday, Feb. 7 vs. Cal there's something for everyone!
Click on the image to follow @TheDawgPack on Twitter

There will always be some of the HST rocking the Marketing table where you can make a rally sign before the game, check for some free giveaways and learn more info about Husky Athletics! Who wouldn't want to join in on the fun?!

See you soon!:)

Your Husky Street Team