Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Golf Carts & Megaphones

Morgan Farrar

If you were on campus around lunch on any given Thursday walking through Red Square or the Quad on your way to class, you have probably seen the UW golf cart speeding by at a whopping 10 mph with a girl yelling about some Husky Athletic events through a megaphone..well, that's Natalie...and she's weird! But that's us...The Husky Street Team!

HST members Morgan, Natalie, Harry the Husky, & Sarah

Two or three of us, and sometimes a special appearance Harry the Husky (oh, yes), are on campus every week handing out 500 - 1,000 flyers depending on the athletic events that week. Last Thursday, Nov. 21, we handed out over 1,000 flyers (the majority during 10 minute passing periods, because we're a boss like that) to get students excited about #2 Husky Men's Soccer hosting and winning the first NCAA playoff game! The flyers informed everyone of the student promotions, like iPad give aways, and game time information.

Go Huskies!

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