Friday, December 6, 2013

Postseason Action!

Erin Allett
Don't mind that it's been in the upper 20s in Seattle all week, there are post-season events that need attending and the Husky Street Team is prepared for the challenge! I select golf cartings to join HST for...this was not one of my better decisions.

With hot chocolate in-hand (which froze at some point), we set off for Red Square to distribute 600+ flyers - mind you, the rest of the team hit up the Greek chapter dinners the night before.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

FREE Food & Drinks @ HUB

Morgan Farrar

Do you  like free food and drinks? Ha! You're a starving student, of course you do.

Well if you're looking for some free hot chocolate with some deliciously free candy to go along, come stop by the HUB on Thursdays around lunchtime and get some free giveaways from the Husky Street Team!

HST members Sam & Sarah posing for the camera

Don't want to take a flyer? Don't worry, Natalie will make you. 
She's so helpful.

Throw back to a Halloween weekend promoting outside of the HUB

We hand out around 100-200 hot chocolates, plus around 200 "This Week in Husky Athletics" flyers with all the Husky information you could possibly need! The week of Nov. 22 our focus was on the Men's Soccer team, who are now our PAC-12 CHAMPS!

We will be featuring a different event each week, so stop by to check out everything Husky Street Team has to offer! Plus, you get to hang out with us. Can't wait to meet more of you on campus as the year goes on and Husky Street Team dominates campus!


PS. Watch Husky Volleyball take on Alabama State this Friday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. and Men's Soccer as they play in the Elite 8 this Saturday, Dec. 7 at 5 p.m. at Husky Soccer Stadium!

Golf Carts & Megaphones

Morgan Farrar

If you were on campus around lunch on any given Thursday walking through Red Square or the Quad on your way to class, you have probably seen the UW golf cart speeding by at a whopping 10 mph with a girl yelling about some Husky Athletic events through a megaphone..well, that's Natalie...and she's weird! But that's us...The Husky Street Team!

HST members Morgan, Natalie, Harry the Husky, & Sarah

Two or three of us, and sometimes a special appearance Harry the Husky (oh, yes), are on campus every week handing out 500 - 1,000 flyers depending on the athletic events that week. Last Thursday, Nov. 21, we handed out over 1,000 flyers (the majority during 10 minute passing periods, because we're a boss like that) to get students excited about #2 Husky Men's Soccer hosting and winning the first NCAA playoff game! The flyers informed everyone of the student promotions, like iPad give aways, and game time information.

Go Huskies!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Romar Pumps up Dawg Pack at "Swishes for Wishes"

Sarah Merrion

Husky Hoops Are Here!

To kick off the Husky Men's Basketball season in early November, Coach Lorenzo Romar was stoked to interact with Dawg Pack members to get students pumped for the upcoming season. He rolled up in his fly Tahoe to make a special appearance at the Chi Omega Sorority's Philanthropy (home to myself and HST member  Natalie), "Swishes for Wishes," a basketball tournament for UW Fraternities that raises money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Coach Romar, the Godfather of the Dawg Pack, gave an inspirational speech at the ice cream social, encouraging the 100+ students there to buy Dawg Pack tickets if they hadn't done so already and to spread the word.
Addressing his audience. #likeaboss

Packed house at Chi O for "Swishes for Wishes" ice cream social

He concluded by asking a few trivia questions, giving one special student an autographed basketball, and gettin' 'em going with a round of "Go Huskies." After the event, he kindly took a few pictures with students who were excitedly talking about getting their Dawg Pack tickets.

Coach signing a ball for the knowledgeable trivia winner.

Trivia winner & Coach Romar. That flat-top though...

Go Dawgs!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First Year Programs, Athletics. Athletics, FYP.

Erin Allett

Mary Gates Hall, home of First Year Programs

Earlier this afternoon, I sat down with LeAnne Wiles-Jones for lunch to further discuss First Year Programs programming and the potential to partner with Athletics in 2014, for 2014-15, and beyond! We had a great chat and both left very excited about what's in store for our partnership. LeAnne was kind enough to invite me to join their staff meeting on January 13 at Mary Gates Hall to introduce myself to their staff and dive into planning, brainstorming, and figuring out how we can best improve the UW student experience together.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Greek Chapter & Residence Halls Outreach

Sam Millang

Tuesday evenings doors all around the UW Greek community are flying open as the Husky Street Team (HST) makes the rounds informing chapters of "This Week in Husky Athletics."

Not a member of a Greek house? No problem, Husky Street Team has you covered. Wednesdays during the busiest lunch hours the HST makes it around to the largest cafeterias on campus to hand out flyers and let students know of all the upcoming events and special student perks in Husky Athletics.

Keep your eyes on the lookout for the HST around campus on a daily basis; we seem to be in a million places at once.  

If you have any ideas of new places that should be a focus for the HST to promote Husky Athletics please comment below!  

Go Dawgs!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Men's & Women's Soccer DPA

Erin Allett

Husky Athletics does it again and pulls off a great Dawg Pack Appreciation events at Husky Women's Soccer this past Sunday afternoon vs. Cal and Husky Men's Soccer vs. UCLA on Monday, Oct. 21 at 7p.m. at Husky Soccer Stadium. Husky Street Team hit up campus (Red Square, Greeks, Residence Halls - as they do on the daily) to promote DPA. Also, it was announced over PA at two games leading up to the showdown.

As usual, the first Dawg Pack members in attendance received a FREE t-shirt and a $5 concession coupon. Oh, and some saweet Husky Soccer thundersticks and an in-game shout out of a message from Head Coach Lesle Gallimore and her team.

First 50 Dawg Pack received these puppies. Fo. Free.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Huskyween!

Sarah Merrion

Happy Halloween!
...or should I say Huskyween

HST members Morgan, Natalie and myself felt like we were kids again getting dressed up to work the Husky Spirit Station at the first Husky Women's Basketball exhibition game of the season!

The Dawgs ended up kicking butt against Concordia and winning 87-40. While they were hard at work, Husky Street Team was up in the concourse manning the Husky Spirit Station filled with supplies for fans to make awesome Husky Basketball and/or Halloween-themed posters. All fans were welcome to make posters and munch on some candy, but the kids who came dressed up in their Halloween costumes were the most excited! They must have been true Husky fans to give up trick-or-treating... we weren't about to let them miss out on candy!

HSTers Sarah, Natalie, and Morgan with Super Harry

In addition to the poster making station, HST ran the photobooth with Super Harry! Fans stopped by on the way to their seats to snap a quick picture with Harry and their freshly made signs. It was so fun, even HST couldn't resist taking some fun photos.

Look out for HST at the upcoming Women's Basketball games!


Friday, October 25, 2013

"W" Day with Romar & Nabes

Erin Allett

Happy Birthday, UW!
Friday, October 25 was "W" Day on UW's campus - marking not only the University of Washington's 152nd birthday (HBD), but also Homecoming in Seattle. Upper Campus Marketing and Events teams approached us to include our Husky Basketball Coaches, Lorenzo Romar and first-year head coach Mike Neighbors, and our student-athletes into the programming of the Homecoming Pep Rally. While this was a great opportunity for our coaches to increase their exposure with UW students, it was equally important to Upper Campus given that Athletics is such a large part of life on campus and of a student's experience (there's that theme again...).

With the help of the Husky Marching Band an introduction by University President Michael Young, they got 300+ students rocking with a "Go Huskies," giveaways, and got them hype about the upcoming Men's Basketball and Women's Basketball seasons...which are right around the corner!

Coach Lorenzo Romar, President Young, & Coach Mike Neighbors after a successful W Day Pep Rally.
Check out the Husky Band!

Coach Romar & Coach Nabes entertaining a group of 200-300 students on Red Square.

Members of the 2013-14 Women's Hoops team joined the coaches on stage for a "Go Huskies" (see video above)
Brianna Ruiz, Heather Corral, Katie Collier, Kelsey Plum, & Aminah Williams

Definitely a great event all-around (Romar and Nabes had a blast) and something Husky Athletics will continue to be involved in for years to come!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

BlackOut & DPA: Hallelujah! We Have Promotional Synergy, Folks!

Erin Allett

BlackOut Rally
Dawg Pack Appreciation & BlackOut Husky Volleyball Style
ESPN College Game Day

There are times while working in intercollegiate athletics marketing & game day experience when the stars align and you get a BlackOut-themed football game against your biggest rival, a Dawg Pack BlackOut Rally, ESPN College Game Day (UW-created ESPN CGD landing page), and Volleyball Dawg Pack Appreciation Night all on consecutive days. And the Marketing Directors, Assistant Directors, Interns, and Administrators rejoice. Hallelujah! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a perfect storm for Promotional Synergy.

Thursday Night - Alaska Airlines Arena
Dawg Pack Black Out Rally
Photo courtesy of The Seattle Times.

We held a sick Dawg Pack Black Out Rally (Seattle Times article) to promote the BlackOut Football game against Oregon on Saturday afternoon, a game that ESPN College Game Day picked up - a first for UW. We had to blow it out of the water. And we did.

3,000+ students through the doors
4,000 FREE BlackOut t-shirts
3,000 FREE purple glow bracelets
FREE hot dogs and drinks

We tried to get Sol from the Blue Scholars to perform before the Rally began at 8 p.m., but we weren't quite down with the $10,000 tune he was singing. For 2014, we will need to add live entertainment from the time doors open to the Rally begins. Husky Cheer and Dance Team, as well as Harry the Husky and the UW Drumline, did a great job of entertaining the crowd as we waited for things to kick off. Our emcee, Ken Carson is a pro that truly made the event stellar and we had some "interesting" speeches by our fall coaches.

  • Husky Drumline + Husky Marching Band
  • Women's Soccer Video - Lesle Gallimore
  • Men's Soccer Video - Jamie Clark (aka Craig Weibel)
  • Cross CountryVideo - Greg Metcalf
  • Volleyball - Jim McLaughlin
  • "Go Huskies" Cheer
  • BlackOut Video
  • Football - Sark

The Husky Street Team, with the help of Harry the Husky and UW Cheer Team, hit the mean streets of campus on the golf cart borrowed from Event Management to distribute thousands of the flyers (below) and stuck 3,000 with promo stickers (below). Feedback and hype was insanely positive from students. HST also distributed flyers and stickers at Greek houses and Residence Halls. The flyer below also doubled as a full-page ad in "The Daily" to promote the event.

Harry helping HST promote the BlackOut Rally to students on Red Square during passing period.

Flyer & full-page ad in "The Daily"

3,000 3" promo stickers were used to promote the BlackOut Rally on campus the day of the event.

Promo release

Friday Night - Alaska Airlines Arena
Dawg Pack Appreciation Night AND BLACK OUT at Husky Volleyball

“It was awesome. The crowd, the atmosphere, it gave me chills when I came out."
- Head Coach Jim McLaughlin.

The hook: Students were told at the Rally that if they attended the Husky Volleyball Pac-12 opener the following night (Friday) that they would receive a VIP wristband for breakfast on Red Square Saturday morning before ESPN CGD and would have a chance to win a pair of sideline passes to the game. Aw yeah, it worked! 4,589 fans were in attendance at Volleyball Friday night, including 2,000+ Dawg Pack! The Husky Street Team pumped this one hard by:
  • Promoting the BlackOut Rally
  • Hitting Greek Chapter dinners
  • Golf carting
  • Residence Halls and cafeteria flyering

Facebook promo compliments of Daniel Hour and his New Media crew.

Dawg Pack members also received:
  • $5 concessions vouchers to first 50 in attendance
  • UW Volleyball sunglasses
  • BlackOut gear including jerseys, t-shirts, and jackets which were thrown out between each set
  • ESPN College Game Day VIP wristbands postgame - for breakfast at Red Square and a chance to win a pair of sideline passes

Promotional. Synergy.

2,000+ Dawg Pack members joined Husky Volleyball the night after The Dawg Pack BlackOut Rally

Saturday at the crack of dawn (actual time) - Red Square
ESPN College Game Day

Just wow.

The rundown of the day from Husky Athletics...

Location:  Red Square, UW Campus
Broadcast Schedule:  
3:30 a.m. Dawg Pack line for "The Pit" opens
4:00 a.m. "The Pit” opens for public
5:30 a.m. UW Band and Cheer Perform
6:00 a.m. College GameDay on ESPN begins
9:00 a.m. Broadcast concludes

Breakfast was served at 3 a.m. on Red Square.
*All photos of the HST and staff have been deleted. They weren't pretty. Ouch.

Suzzallo lit up at 3 a.m. Saturday morning

Seattle icon, Rosie the pig, showing Husky love.

SaturdayAfternoon - Husky Stadium
 UW Manage of Visual Presentations, Terrence Santos, promoting BlackOut and his DOPE video on IG

Conceptualization of the Black Out theme began well before Oct 12 during pre-season Marketing Day

Matte black helmets had students buzzin'.

Asst. Director of Game Day Experience, Erin Allett, with Jamaal Walton (Alabama Director of Marketing) and local Dawg fan Brette Woessner enjoying pregame outside Husky Stadium in their BlackOut t-shirts.

Dawg fans and UW Cheer getting a "Go Huskies" going at the start of the game.

- Erin

Friday, October 11, 2013

BlackOut Rally. Wow.

Sam Millang

It was awesome to see so many passionate UW students show up to the Blackout Rally Tuesday night that the Husky Street Team worked so damn hard to promote! We had no idea THAT many students would show up and that 4,000 exclusive Black Out t-shirts would be gone with tons of fans still waiting in line.  T-shirts, glowsticks, food, drinks, and good times had by all!  To promote the event we speak hours on campus distributing 3,000 promotion stickers - we had a blast! 

Check out the video of Morgan below - she wouldn't take "no" for an answer from this guy!

3,000 promotional stickers went out that Wednesday & Thursday leading up to the event.

Speaking of the line, that thing extended all the way to the E1 parking lot and when people finally got into the building they were so overjoyed that there were still shirts, glow sticks and posters waiting for them that they could hardly breathe. I wish we had more giveaways because some people did not get anything. And for those of you who took more than your share...karma will get you!

The event was really exciting, and the buzz in the air about the looming Oct.12 clash with the Oregon Ducks and the other events in the next few days following the rally really made the event awesome - not to mention ESPN College Game Day was already on campus. Husky Football has been reviving; but to have a Husky team ranked among the Top-15 in the nation, combined with Husky Men's Soccer and Volleyball squads regarded as Top-5 teams, really added to the environment.

There was a buzz in the air that I haven't experienced as a Husky since the Brandon Roy days or the 2001 season. In those days I still rode the bus to school and could not truly appreciate Husky Athletics because I wasn't a student here. But this was different and seeing so many equally passionate fans was sick.

Full page flyers went out to all Greek Houses & we hit the Residence Halls