Friday, September 13, 2013

IMA Activity Fair and Husky Kickoff

Morgan Farrar

Morgan here with the Husky Street Team! We are just about to start off a wonderful year here at the University of Washington, but don't you worry, HST is already starting to get on their game!

Today we spent hours interacting with new UW students  and connecting with some sports lovers at the IMA. The first event we made an appearance at was Husky Kickoff in our brand new stadium where Sarah, Sam, Natalie and I stood out in the pouring rain...what else is new...for an hour making a face-to-face connection with freshman while distributing 800 flyers for the fall sports and fun events coming up the first week of school! This was our first "This Week In Husky Athletics" flyer distribution! ...I have a feeling there will be a lot of these.

Next we made our way over to the IMA where we were one of many Registered Student Organizations promoting their passions and desires. Our's you might ask...? HUSKY ATHLETICS OF COURSE!!

Sarah, Natalie, Morgan ready to welcome some students!
We ran a table with fall sports posters to give away to students and way too much free candy. It was a great chance to show our faces and start spreading awareness about Husky Athletic events  and HST one step at a time. I believe we hit the tip of the iceberg, but people were excited about the sports to come. We do have a lot more work to do!

This will not be the last of us, don't you worry:).

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